Chaque mois, le laboratoire commun invite des intervenants extérieurs à prendre la parole lors de séminaires à destination de ses partenaires.

Ce mois-ci, Romain Hennequin, Research Scientist à Deezer, nous fera l’honneur d’une présentation intitulée :

« Labeling a Large Music Catalog »

Résumé [EN]

Music Streaming Services such as Deezer offer their users a catalog of tens of millions of songs.
Navigating through such a vast catalog requires retrieving and organizing musical knowledge in an automated way using music information retrieval tools. Various music dimensions can be considered, such as music genre or moods, and all these dimensions come with ambiguities. The talk will describe common issues with labeling large music catalogs, how to deal with them, and the remaining challenges.

Biographie [EN]

Romain Hennequin is a Research Scientist at Deezer, where he heads the researchers’ team. He graduated in Computer Science from Ecole Polytechnique, UPMC (now Sorbonne Université), and Telecom Paris and earned a Ph.D. in signal processing from Telecom Paris. He has been working for more than 10 years in industrial research, addressing various topics such as source separation, music information retrieval, recommender systems, and graph mining.


More on the speaker’s Website.